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Marie Recine

Breast Cancer

Philadelphia, PA

TRCCC Advocate: 2016

Marie was diagnosed with DCIS in 2012 and age 53. As part of her treatment, she received a HER-2 dendritic cell vaccine in Dr. Brian Czerniecki's Clinical Trial and the University of Pennsylvania. Having served as an informal health advocate for family members and friends for a number of years, her diagnosis led her to investigate formal avenues for patient and research advocacy. She attended the National Breast Cancer Coalition's Project LEAD Program in 2013 and continued with the AACR Scientist Survivor Program and the Eyeforpharma Patient Summit USA in 2015. This year will be her third TRCCC meeting. Marie has an MS degree in microbiology and immunology and a BS in Medical Technology. A freelance writer for 25 years, she develops educational materials for both patients and physicians. She volunteers with Pennies in Action, a 501c3 organization funding vaccine research, serves as a consumer reviewer for the DoD BCCRPF, and has been a patient advocate on several grant applications. She has a special interest in immunotherapy and promoting clinical trial participation.

Translational Cancer Centers Consortium (TRCCC) is a 501(c)(3) organization.  

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