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Abstract submission for the 2025 Annual TRCCC meeting is now open!
Abstracts are limited to 1,750 characters including spaces.
Enter titles in title case with a maximum of 100 characters, do not use ALL CAPS titles.
Abstracts may include up to 10 authors and 4 affiliations.
Postdoctoral researchers and clinical fellows who wish to be considered for the Postdoctoral Spotlight Session will need to include a Biosketch. Selected presenters will not present posters.
Only abstracts from those affiliated with an academic institution will be considered. Abstracts from industry partners will not be accepted.
Submissions must be received by Wednesday December 18, 2024 at 11:59 PM to be considered for oral and poster presentation.
We cannot accommodate scheduling requests. Please do not submit an Abstract if you are not available for all sessions.
No abstracts will be accepted after the December 18, 2024 deadline.
Presenting Author Information (name, affiliation, and email will be included on the Abstract)
If you are not representing a TRCCC Member Institute, select Non-Member Institution for options.
Author Information
Author Affiliations (Enter up to 4 affiliations for the authors on your Abstract.
Author Names
Enter up to 10 authors and select the appropriate affiliation(s) provided above.
If including middle initials, please list without periods (example: John H Smith).
Do not include credentials in the author list.
To indicate equal contributions of authors, include an * after the names of relevant authors and include the text inside quotes: "( * equal contribution)" after the last author listed.
Select the box(es) corresponding to each authors' Affiliation(s).
The Presenting Author noted above must be included among the Co-Authors.
Abstract Information
We recommend copying the text for title and abstract body directly from Microsoft Word.
To use symbols (such as α µ ≥ ± Ω Δ) enter the characters into Word using the "Insert" and "Symbol" dropdown menus. Characters entered in the font Symbol will not transfer into the box below.
Please select three keywords to reflect the topic of your Abstract.
I understand that scheduling requests will not be accommodated.
If my Abstract is selected for oral presentation, I am available during all oral presentation blocks on Thursday February 20, 2025.
If my Abstract is selected for poster presentation, I am available during the evening sessions (7-9 PM) on Wednesday February 19, 2025 and Thursday February 20, 2025.