Translational Research Cancer Centers Consortium
Expediting Progress in Cancer Immunotherapy

TRCCC facilitates an engaging environment to promote interaction between researchers and sponsors. Vendors are set-up right in main conference room providing high visibility and a lot of traffic around the displays. Faculty, trainees, and laboratory staff actively interact with vendors throughout the meeting! TRCCC goes above and beyond to encourage member/vendor interaction by organizing a yearly scavenger hunt to award prizes to attendees who visit every vendor at the annual meeting!
Sponsorship Levels
Acknowledgement in program
Acknowledgement on website
Vendor table for duration of the meeting to display products and
informational brochures -
Acknowledgement in the program
Acknowledgement on website
Free registration to the scientific meeting for one company
Vendor table for duration of the meeting to display products and
informational brochures -
Acknowledgement in the program
Acknowledgement on website
Free registration to the scientific meeting for one company
representative -
Named as sponsor of a keynote speaker
Opportunity for exhibition of large equipment
Vendor table for duration of the meeting to display products and
informational brochures -
Acknowledgement in the program
Acknowledgement on website
Free registration to the scientific meeting for two company
representatives -
Opportunity for a representative to present a talk
during one of the symposia
Vendor table for duration of the meeting to display products and informational brochures
Acknowledgement in the program
Acknowledgement on website
Free registration to the scientific meeting for two company representatives
Sponsorship of a Keynote speaker